Maurece Schiller’s Fortunes in Special Situations in the Stock Market: The Authorized Edition

Tobias CarlisleStock Screener, StocksLeave a Comment

Tom Jacobs recently published Maurece Schiller’s Fortunes in Special Situations in the Stock Market: The Authorized Edition. We provided an endorsement and the following foreword: Beginning with Maurece Schiller’s series is the original and definitive guide to special situation investing. It is not an embellishment to say it stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the three … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here is a list of some of this week’s best investing reads: Financial News Doesn’t Rhyme But It Does Repeat Itself (A Wealth of Common Sense) The Price of Progress (The Irrelevant Investor) Bulls Rampage (csinvesting) Life Lessons from a Self-Made Billionaire: My Conversation with Ray Dalio (Farnam Street) Why You Don’t Want to Invest Like an Expert (Jason Zweig) … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of some of the best investing reads we found this week: Will You Be Ready When the Stock Market Crashes Again? (Jason Zweig) Good Thing Jesse Isn’t Around To See This (The Macro Tourist) Kryptonite Even Superman Could Love… (Wexboy) The Four Fundamental Skills of All Investing (Collaborative Fund) Good Advice vs. Effective Advice (A Wealth … Read More

Johnny’s TAM Portfolio Up 10.68%

Johnny HopkinsStock Screener1 Comment

stock screener

Here’s an update on my Acquirer’s Multiple (TAM) Live Portfolio. As you can see below, my TAM Portfolio is up 10.68% since inception. Largest gains to date have come from Global Sources Ltd. (Bermuda) (NASDAQ:GSOL) up 142%, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (NYSE:FCAU) up 134%, and FreightCar America, Inc (NASDAQ:RAIL) up 82%. Biggest … Read More

Jeremy Grantham – 10 Timeless Investing Lessons

Johnny HopkinsJeremy GranthamLeave a Comment

One of the firms we watch closely here at The Acquirer’s Multiple is GMO and its co-founder, Jeremy Grantham. Grantham successfully predicted numerous financial asset bubbles. He warned against the dot-com bubble and vulnerability in the U.S. stock market leading up to the financial crisis. Over the years his shareholder letters … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s are some of this week’s best investing reads: New Highs Should Be Bought, Not Sold (The Irrelevant Investor) Why Won’t You People Panic Already? (The Reformed Broker) Income Alpha (A Wealth of Common Sense) Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain – Longs, Shorts, or Trading Sardines… (Wexboy) U.S. investors see a correction coming — and are ready to buy the dip (Globe … Read More