Rob Arnott: Unlock 20% Returns From Unloved Underdogs

Johnny HopkinsRob ArnottLeave a Comment

During his recent interview on the Meb Faber Podcast, Rob Arnott discusses the inefficiencies in cap-weighted indexation, particularly around additions and deletions in indexes like the S&P 500 and Russell. Stocks added to indexes tend to be overpriced and underperform, while deleted stocks, often deeply discounted, tend to outperform by … Read More

Rob Arnott: Value Is Now Ahead Of Growth Decade-To-Date

Johnny HopkinsRob Arnott1 Comment

During his recent interview with Barron’s Live, Rob Arnott discussed value is now ahead of growth decade-to-date. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Arnott: Now here’s a surprise. How many of our listeners believe that including the value crash in the COVID market where value in the first eight months … Read More

Rob Arnott: The Value Effect Is Alive And Well

Johnny HopkinsRob ArnottLeave a Comment

In his recent interview with Real Vision, Rob Arnott explains why the value effect is alive and well. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Arnott: Part of it is probably fed accommodation, and a large chunk of it is narrative that the marketplace embraces the notion that tech provides are … Read More

Rob Arnott: Smart Money Has Gotten Dumb

Johnny HopkinsRob ArnottLeave a Comment

In his latest interview on the FEG Insight Bridge Podcast, Rob Arnott discusses why smart money has gotten dumb. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Well, it’s funny the way you frame that question. My son, who’s in his mid-30s, came to me about 18 months ago and asked my … Read More

Rob Arnott: You Need Courage To Invest In Value Stocks

Johnny HopkinsRob ArnottLeave a Comment

In his recent interview on WealthTrack, Rob Arnott discussed the courage needed to invest in value stocks. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Arnott: With value investing you’re always buying companies that are out-of-favor and unloved, so that’s one element that requires courage. Chasing the most popular and beloved companies … Read More