Stanley Druckenmiller: What Should Investors Do If They’re In A ‘Slump’

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, Stanley DruckenmillerLeave a Comment

Here’s a great interview with investing legend Stanley Druckenmiller at Real Vision in which he discusses the importance of investors knowing whether they’re currently ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ with regards picking investments. He also provides some great insights into what you should do if you find yourself in an investing slump. … Read More

Stanley Druckenmiller – If You Invest In Conventional Wisdom You’re Going To Lose Your Butt

Johnny HopkinsStanley DruckenmillerLeave a Comment

Here’s a great interview with Stanley Druckenmiller at the USC Marshall School of Business where he speaks about the importance of unconventional investing. During the interview he makes two great points. First, he’s not a fan of diversification, and secondly investors need to focus on the longer term saying, “The present is … Read More