Jim Chanos: Why Good Short Sellers Are Born, Not Made

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

In his interview in the book – Efficiently Inefficient, Jim Chanos reflects on the challenges of short selling, emphasizing that it’s not simply the inverse of going long. He highlights the behavioral difficulty of staying short in a market that overwhelmingly promotes positive news about stocks, making it emotionally taxing … Read More

Jim Chanos: Investors Flock to Fraudulent Companies Despite Risks

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

During his recent interview with Capitalisn’t, Jim Chanos describes a phenomenon observed in bull markets where investors, despite knowing the risks, are drawn to fraudulent, aggressive, and questionable companies for extended periods. This “irrational exuberance” is attributed to two factors: Systematic risk: This refers to the inherent uncertainty of the … Read More

Jim Chanos: Animal Spirits: Investors Are Ignoring Fundamentals in Favor of Emotion

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

In this interview with the MRKT Call Podcast, Jim Chanos discusses the existence of “animal spirits” in the market, where emotions like speculation and short covering, rather than fundamentals, are driving prices. He cites unprofitable companies experiencing significant stock price increases as evidence of this emotional trading. Here’s an excerpt … Read More

Jim Chanos – Top 10 Holdings – Latest 13F

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Jim Chanos: Lessons From The Enron Scandal

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

Included in his Yale Class Syllabus, Jim Chanos discusses some lessons from the Enron Scandal. Here’s an excerpt from the syllabus: Bethany McLean, then a Fortune writer, broke the Enron scandal in 2001. She quotes one employee explaining how the accounting and auditing process worked at Enron: “Say you have … Read More

Jim Chanos: This Reminds Me Of October 2000

Johnny HopkinsJames ChanosLeave a Comment

During his recent interview with The Market, Jim Chanos explained why this reminds him of October 2000. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Chanos: Sentiment still seems pretty frothy to me. We have stocks doubling again in the month of January, retail volume in the NYSE as a percentage of … Read More