Seth Klarman – Beware of Value Pretenders

Johnny HopkinsSeth KlarmanLeave a Comment

With so many articles dedicated to the debate on value stocks vs growth stocks I think it’s a good time to revisit what Seth Klarman calls ‘Value Pretenders’ in his best-selling book, Margin of Safety. Here’s an excerpt from that book: “Value investing” is one of the most overused and … Read More

Athanassakos Rebukes Another Bogus Study That ‘Proves’ Value Investing Doesn’t Work

Johnny HopkinsGeorge AthanassakosLeave a Comment

George Athaassakos recently wrote a great article that illustrates why most studies that ‘prove’ value investing doesn’t work, are not entirely accurate. Here’s an excerpt from that article: A new study from Arizona State University, titled Do Stocks Outperform Treasury Bills?, is turning heads and gives ammunition to those who … Read More