This Week’s Best Investing Reads 2/15/2019

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: Getting Ahead By Being Inefficient (Farnam Street) How to Wreck a Pension Plan in 3 Easy Steps (A Wealth of Common Sense) History Is Written By The Victors (The Financial Bodyguard) January 2019 Data Update 8: Dividends and Buybacks – Fact and Fiction (Aswath Damodaran) Miss the Worst Days, Miss … Read More

Seth Klarman: The Proper Wiring for a Long-Term Investor

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, Seth KlarmanLeave a Comment

In Seth Klarmans’ latest shareholder letter he writes successful investing is like being a successful relief pitcher, saying: Consider the plight of a relief pitcher. Historically undervalued, unappreciated, often used interchangeably with other relievers, and, until recently, low on the major league pay scale. Required to be ready throughout most … Read More

Charles Munger: EMT – The Stock Market Ain’t Like Physics, It’s Like A Mob At A Football Game

Johnny HopkinsCharles Munger, Investing StrategyLeave a Comment

Here’s a great short video with Charles Munger talking about The Efficient Market Theory saying: “Well I think we’ve had some effect, but they’re still teaching The Efficient Market Theory. Remember the old ideas die hard. And by the way it’s roughly right. It’s just the very hard form which … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads 2/8/2019

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: The Best Hedge Fund Manager of All Time Is… (Institutional Investor) Even God Couldn’t Beat Dollar-Cost Averaging (Of Dollars & Data) Simple vs. Complex, 2018 Edition (A Wealth of Common Sense) Compounding Knowledge (Farnam Street) If This Isn’t Stock Manipulation, I Don’t Know What Is (The Felder Report) Two … Read More

Howard Marks: Top 10 Holdings

Johnny HopkinsHoward Marks, Portfolio ManagementLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

James Montier: What’s The Key Lesson Investors Can Learn From Templeton, Soros, Berkowitz and Steinhardt

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, James MontierLeave a Comment

One of the best books ever written on Behavioral Investing is – The Little Book of Behavioral Investing by James Montier. There’s a great passage in the book in which Montier emphasises the key lesson that investors can learn from the world’s greatest investors saying: Small manageable steps are likely to … Read More

Charles Munger: Munger’s Rule!

Johnny HopkinsCharles MungerLeave a Comment

Every time we listen to Charles Mungers’ famous speech titled – The Psychology of Human Misjudgement, we learn something new. One example is Munger’s example of the problem with having a ‘Board of Directors’ in American companies, saying: Finally the institution of the board of directors of a major human … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads 2/1/2019

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: Yuval Noah Harari: Why We Dominate the Earth (Farnam Street) Who Owns All the Stocks & Bonds? (A Wealth of Common Sense) Origins of Greed and Fear (Collaborative Fund) The Single Greatest Error (The Irrelevant Investor) Value investing is long on virtue but has been short on reward … Read More

Prem Watsa: Top 10 Holdings

Johnny HopkinsPortfolio Management, Prem WatsaLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Seth Klarman: How To Increase The Likelihood Of Achieving Sustainable Gains With Limited Downside Risk Over The Long-Run

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, Seth KlarmanLeave a Comment

In his latest Baupost Sharholder Letter, Seth Klarman provides some great advice for investors on how to increase the likelihood of achieving sustainable gains with limited downside risk over the long-run saying: “We believe another key element in portfolio management is curtailing the duration (the weighted average life) of one’s … Read More

Charles Munger: If Mozart Can’t Get By With This Kind Of Asinine Conduct I Don’t Think You Should Try

Johnny HopkinsCharles MungerLeave a Comment

Here’s some more classic Munger. During his USC Law Commencement Speech, Munger provides some insights into counteracting the self serving bias, which includes overspending ones income, saying: (6:38) “Another thing of course that does one in is the self-serving bias to which we’re all subject.” “You think that your ‘little me’ is entitled … Read More