John Bogle On Active Managers – The Investment Business Has Really Done Itself A Big Disservice—And Its Clients A Greater Disservice

Johnny HopkinsJohn BogleLeave a Comment

In April 2006, John Bogle spoke with members of the Journal of Investment Consulting Editorial Advisory Board about the experiences that shaped his philosophy, his views on the costs of financial intermediation, and his recommendations for improving corporate governance. There’s one passage in particular in which he shares his views … Read More

Hottest Short Stocks As Of November 19th

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S3 Partners recently released its hottest short stocks as of November 19th. The top three stocks include: 1. Peloton Interactive (NASDAQ: PTON) with over 84% short interest % of float 2. Gamestop Corp (NYSE: GME) with almost 80% short interest % of float 3. Health Insurance Innovations (NASDAQ: HIIQ) with … Read More

Investors Should Focus On Idiosyncratic Businesses To Generate Outsized Returns

Johnny HopkinsPodcastsLeave a Comment During their recent interview with Tobias, Sean Stannard-Stockton and Todd Wenning of Ensemble Capital explain why investors should focus on idiosyncratic businesses to generate outsized returns. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Tobias Carlisle: Yeah, it’s a good place to be. I agree with you that you want to … Read More

(Ep.39) The Acquirers Podcast: Ensemble Capital – Competitive Advantage, Long-Only, Concentrated, High Conviction, High Quality

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Summary In this episode of The Acquirer’s Podcast Tobias chats with Sean Stannard-Stockton and Todd Wenning of Ensemble Capital. The firm has a very traditional buffet style, highly concentrated high conviction, high quality investment strategy. During the interview Sean and Todd provided some great insights into: Why Investors Should Consider Idiosyncratic Businesses … Read More

Bill Ackman: Q3 2019 Top 10 Holdings

Johnny HopkinsBill AckmanLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Joel Greenblatt: Q3 2019 Top 5 Buys, Top 5 Sells

Johnny HopkinsJoel Greenblatt2 Comments

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Cloud – The Next Big Adoption Curve

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During his recent interview with Tobias, Marcelo Lima, managing member of Heller House, discusses cloud computing as the next big adoption curve, and the opportunities that it provides for investors. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Tobias Carlisle: So I love the description that you’ve given. How does it show … Read More

Greenwood Investors: Investors Should Focus On Companies That Treat Their Customers With A ‘Pub Approach’ Rather Than A ‘Tourist Approach’

Johnny HopkinsGreenwood Investors2 Comments

Deep value firm Greenwood Investors have just released their latest Q3 2019 Letter which includes a great piece on why investors should focus on companies that treat their customers with a ‘pub approach’ rather than a ‘tourist approach’. The letter further illustrates the point using aircraft manufacturer Boeing, saying: “We … Read More

Pzena Investment Management: Webinar EM Value: How Trade Wars Create Opportunities in Emerging Markets

Johnny HopkinsValue InvestingLeave a Comment

Here’s a great little webinar from value investing firm – Pzena Investment Management which discusses how trade wars create opportunities in emerging markets saying: “This is a particularly interesting time to invest in emerging markets. Global trade wars have created opportunities where companies with strong competitive positions are caught in … Read More

FT: Has The Value Investing Fightback Begun?

Johnny HopkinsValue InvestingLeave a Comment

Here’s a great article from The Financial Times titled – Has the value investing fightback begun?, which discusses whether value investing is making a fightback as US value stocks have gained almost 10 per cent since the beginning of September. Here’s an excerpt from that article: Like an ageing, unfancied … Read More

Has The Internet Changed Value-Investing Forever?

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During his recent interview with Tobias, Marcelo Lima, managing member of Heller House, discusses whether software-as-a-service has changed value investing from what Warren Buffett had traditionally done? Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Tobias Carlisle: How do you make the leap to value investment from there? Marcelo Lima: Yeah, great … Read More

(Ep.38) The Acquirers Podcast: Marcelo Lima – Growth Underwriter, Software-As-A-Service (SAAS), And Intrinsic Value

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Summary In this episode of The Acquirer’s Podcast Tobias chats with Marcelo Lima. He is the managing member of Heller House, who follow the time-tested strategies of Graham, Dodd and Buffett; invest with a considerable margin of safety in easily understandable, sustainable businesses. During the interview Marcelo provided some great … Read More

Ken Fisher: Q3 2019 Top 10 Holdings

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One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More