This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (02/03/2024)

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This week’s best investing news: Berkshire Hathaway 2023 Annual Report  (BH) Tom Gayner 2023 Annual Shareholder Letter (Markel) Breaking the Ice: Frederic Tudor’s Frozen Empire (Jamie Catherwood) Guy Spier: Minimizing Investment Risks: Ethics, Inflation, Debt, Market Trends & Geopolitics (GS) Rule, Britannia! (Verdad) Michael Mauboussin on increasing returns to scale … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (09/02/2024)

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This week’s best investing news: Behind the Memo: Easy Money with Howard Marks and Edward Chancellor ( Mohnish Pabrai on ‘The Education of a Global Investor’ at FLAME University (MP) Countdown to Exchange: GMO’s Jeremy Grantham (Nasdaq) MiB: David Einhorn, Greenlight Capital (MiB) Overcoming pessimism with patience with John Rogers … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (12/29/2023)

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This week’s best investing news: In Conversation with Ray Dalio (ADFinance) Mohnish Pabrai’s conversation at Schroders – The Value Perspective Podcast (MP) 100+ Great Investors Share Their Most Important Investing Lesson (Validea) Burt Malkiel Says There Are No Geniuses on Wall Street | The Businessweek Show (Bloomberg) Matrix Asset’s David … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (12/01/2023)

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This week’s best investing news:  Howard Marks Talks Legacy of Charlie Munger | Bloomberg Talks (Bloomberg) Charlie Munger, investing genius and Warren Buffett’s right-hand man, dies at age 99 (CNBC) Mario Gabelli, Gamco Investors chairman, remembers legendary investor Charlie Munger (CNBC) Charlie Munger’s Life Was About Way More Than Money … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (11/24/2023)

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This week’s best investing news: The Insight: Conversations – Full Return World with Howard Marks and Armen Panossian (OakTree) Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio: U.S. nearing ‘inflection point’ where our debt problem could get even worse (CNBC) Pzena investment Management Podcast: The Active Value Advantage (Pzena) David Einhorn Turns Bullish On Gold … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (11/10/2023)

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This week’s best investing news: Oaktree: Full Return World with Howard Marks (OakTree) Bruce Berkowitz – Value Investing: Lessons Learned (WealthTrack) Ray Dalio – Investigating the Hidden Blue Economy (FII Institute) A Rule of Thumb for Terminal Multiples (Verdad) Rich Pzena: Embracing the loneliness mindset (Inside Adviser) The Most Exciting Market? Japan … Read More

This Week’s Best Value Investing News, Podcasts, Interviews (10/27/2023)

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This week’s best investing news: Ray Dalio – Economic Empires: Past, Present & Future | Endgame (GW) Mohnish Pabrai’s Q&A session at the Harvard Business School (MP) Michael Mauboussin – Total Shareholder Return (MS) Tom Gayner – Planting Long-Term Investment Seeds (RussellReynolds) Shorting Socialism (Verdad) Bill Ackman Says He Covered His … Read More