The Magic of Compounding Returns, The Tyranny of Compounding Costs – John Bogle

Johnny HopkinsJohn Bogle, Research, Resources, Study3 Comments

(Image, John Bogle on the Rise of Index Funds, accessed 16 July 2016, Have you ever looked at the statement you receive from your investment manager and wondered, what the heck are they talking about! You think you’re getting good returns but it turns out you’re underperforming. The question is, WHY? … Read More

Value Investing | Danny DeVito (Video)

Johnny HopkinsStudy4 Comments

(Video. Danny DeVito Explaining Value Investing — Benjamin Graham Style (Other People’s Money), accessed Youtube 13 July 2016, Bit of humor today. Its aged a little, but here’s a great 3 minute video from the 1991 movie, Other People’s Money. Danny DeVito explains the timeless concept of value investing succinctly. [youtube … Read More

Overriding emotional investing by Klarman, Munger and Buffett

Johnny HopkinsSeth Klarman, Study1 Comment

(PHOTO: Source Recently I wrote an article on investing and Behavioral Finance. Behavioral finance is a relatively new field that seeks to combine behavioral and cognitive psychological theory with conventional economics and finance to provide explanations for why people make irrational financial decisions. The article is called, The biggest problem in … Read More

New Series – Contemporary Investing Gurus

Johnny HopkinsResearch, Resources, Study2 Comments

Today, I’m starting a new series here at The Acquirer’s Multiple called Contemporary Investing Gurus. Over the past few years I’ve spent a lot of time reading articles, watching videos and listening to podcasts from some of the best investing minds in the world. Names like Joel Greenblatt, Mohnish Pabrai, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, … Read More

Deep Value Large Cap Gem – Lear Corporation $LEA

Johnny HopkinsStocksLeave a Comment

(PHOTO: You have to love the Large Cap Deep Value Stock Screener here at The Acquirer’s Multiple (TAM). The Large Cap Deep Value Stock Screener shows the top 30 companies in The Acquirer’s Multiple® Large Cap 1000 universe, which is drawn from the largest 1,000 U.S. exchange-traded stocks and ADRs excluding financials and utilities.

1. We pick the 90 Best Deep Value Stock Picks

Tobias CarlisleStudy18 Comments

The Acquirer’s Multiple screeners examine the universe of US-listed stocks and ADRs to find the cheapest on the acquirer’s multiple, the name for the metric used by activists, private equity firms and corporate raiders to find deeply undervalued targets. How are the universes defined? We exclude stocks traded over-the-counter (OTC stocks), … Read More

Johnny’s Real-Life Acquirers Multiple Portfolio – Update

Johnny HopkinsStudy8 Comments

OK, a few people have asked me what’s happening with my monthly updates for ‘Johnny’s Real-Life Acquirers Multiple Portfolio’ (AM Portfolio). For those of you that are unaware, I constructed my own AM Portfolio, using my own savings, here at The Acquirer’s Multiple starting in December of 2015. You can read all … Read More

The biggest problem in share investing, is you!

Johnny HopkinsStudy1 Comment

Huh! I don’t mean you as an individual, but you as a human being, when it comes to investing in shares. I’ve just finished reading a whole bunch of research from various sources which clearly show that human beings make terrible decisions when it comes to investing in shares. I … Read More

The Acquirer’s Multiple® Strategy Survey

Tobias CarlisleStudyLeave a Comment

The Acquirer’s Multiple® is the value ratio “acquirers”—buyout firms, activists, deep value investors—use to find undervalued stocks. As Deep Value: Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations shows undervalued companies trading on a low acquirer’s multiple tend to be good targets for investment. We Need Your Help We’d like to … Read More