This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here is a list of this week’s best investing reads: Making the Most of Second Chances (Farnam Street) It’s Not Too Late (A Wealth of Common Sense) We’ve Just Had a Taste of What the Tightening Will Be Like (Ray Dalio) What Investors Should Be Thinking Right Now (The Reformed Broker) A Few Charts And A Few … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of what we’ve been reading here at The Acquirer’s Multiple this week: Acquirer’s Multiple, Yog Berra and Financial Satire, and Hedge Fund Quiz (csinvesting) Bayes and Deadweight: Using Statistics to Eject the Deadweight From Your Life (Farnam Street) What To Do When Your Stocks Are Soaring? (A Wealth of Common Sense) Markets Can … Read More

Howard Marks – Regardless Of The Current Market Conditions, Invest On The Basis Of Value And Its Relationship To Price

Johnny HopkinsHoward MarksLeave a Comment

We’ve just been reading through Howard Marks’ latest memo – Latest Thinking. He makes a number of great points on current market conditions, possible future catalysts, and defensive versus aggressive investing. But the one take-away that stuck out for us is that regardless of current market conditions one should always … Read More

The Acquirer’s Multiple Gazette – (Investing Reads, Podcasts, Tweets, Superinvestor News)

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

The Acquirer’s Multiple Gazette is a roundup of this week’s best investing reads, podcasts, tweets and superinvestor news: Investing Reads What’s Wrong With Value? (The Irrelevant Investor) 180 Years of Stock Market Drawdowns (A Wealth of Common Sense) Stock Market Reversals Can Cause Recessions Too (The Reformed Broker) What You Can Learn from Fighter Pilots About Making … Read More