This Week’s Best Investing Reads 11/22/2018

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: There’s Seldom Any Traffic on the High Road (Farnam Street) Surveying the Damage in Stocks (A Wealth of Common Sense) Yards After Contact (The Reformed Broker) To Succeed In The Markets You Must Become A ‘Second Level Thinker’ (The Felder Report) Humble Exits (Collaborative Fund) Price is set at the margin (csinvesting) … Read More

Charles Munger: The Trouble With Economists & Economics

Johnny HopkinsCharles MungerLeave a Comment

Some years ago Shane Parrish at Farnam Street did a podcast in which he read the full text of Charlie Munger’s presentation – Academic Economics: Strengths and Weaknesses, after Considering Interdisciplinary Needs. It’s a must listen to for all investors. Here’s an excerpt from Munger’s presentation: 3) Physics Envy The third … Read More

Michael Burry: Measuring Money Managers By ‘Relative Performance’ Harms Their Ability To Invest Intelligently

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, Michael BurryLeave a Comment

Seth Klarman has often spoken about the nonsense of measuring fund managers by their ‘relative performance’. That is, measuring the performance of their investments against various market benchmarks. A quick read through Michael Burry’s Scion Capital shareholder letters shows that he’s also not a fan of relative performance as a … Read More

Value Invest New York – December 4th, 2018

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Value Invest New York will take place on December 4 View Conference Agenda The line-up for Value Invest New York was announced last week and it will feature speakers who will give insights and investment ideas at the conference – with the presentation titles below. The line-up includes Joel Greenblatt, … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads 11/16/2018

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: How This All Happened (Collaborative Fund) Defensive Decision Making: What IS Best v. What LOOKS Best (Farnam Street) Family Inc. (Humble Dollar) Playing with Fire (The Reformed Broker) What If You Retire At a Stock Market Peak? (A Wealth of Common Sense) Why Warren Buffett Would Be Buying Precious Metals Again Today … Read More

Stanley Druckenmiller: What Should Investors Do If They’re In A ‘Slump’

Johnny HopkinsInvesting Strategy, Stanley DruckenmillerLeave a Comment

Here’s a great interview with investing legend Stanley Druckenmiller at Real Vision in which he discusses the importance of investors knowing whether they’re currently ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ with regards picking investments. He also provides some great insights into what you should do if you find yourself in an investing slump. … Read More

Dan Loeb: We Continue To Invest In The Integration Of Our Fundamental Process And The “Rise of the Machines”

Johnny HopkinsDan Loeb, Shareholder LettersLeave a Comment

Dan Loeb recently released his Q32018 shareholder letter in which he discusses the difficulty of investing in the market this year, the current market environment, and how he plans to invest in the future. Here’s an excerpt from that letter: In the hit NBC television show The Good Place, (spoiler … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads 11/09/2018

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here’s a list of this week’s best investing reads: What’s Staying the Same (Farnam Street) The McRib Effect (Of Dollars & Data) Tiny Improvements, Big Results (A Wealth of Common Sense) I Remember When (The Irrelevant Investor) When Things Get Wild (Collaborative Fund) Will the stock market celebrate gridlock? (The Reformed Broker) The Quant Frontier (Jamie Catherwood) In Praise of Mediocrity, Being Happy, … Read More