Understanding Reproducible Strategies in Investment

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During their recent episode, Taylor, Carlisle, and Luca Dellanna discussed Understanding Reproducible Strategies in Investment, here’s an excerpt from the episode: Jake: So, my segment this week, Toby, is asking Luca questions about the book. So, maybe I’ll keep going in this thread. How does this relate then to the … Read More

VALUE: After Hours (S06 E25): Luca Dellanna on his books Winning Long-Term Games and Ergodicity

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In their latest episode of the VALUE: After Hours Podcast, Tobias Carlisle, Jake Taylor, and Luca Dellanna discuss: Ergodicity in Action: A Story of Ski Racing and Investment Value Investing and Ergodicity: A Framework for Long-Term Success Understanding Reproducible Strategies in Investment Why Society Needs More ‘Elon Musks’ with Better … Read More

Is AI Worth the Environmental Cost?

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During their recent episode, Taylor, Carlisle, and Brewster discussed Is AI Worth the Environmental Cost?, here’s an excerpt from the episode: Bill: Got through unscathed. You know what bothers me about this AI stuff, Jake? I called Jake to talk about this to get his take on it. We’re supposed … Read More

The Case for a “Small-Cap Summer”

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During their recent episode, Taylor, Carlisle, and Brewster discussed The Case for a “Small-Cap Summer”, here’s an excerpt from the episode: Tobias: It took me a little bit of time to read my writing here, but smalls have been hosed. Smalls are back to the 2020 lows relative to the … Read More

Can Berkshire’s Investing Lieutenants Carry the Mantle?

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During their recent episode, Taylor, Carlisle, and Brewster discussed Can Berkshire’s Investing Lieutenants Carry the Mantle?, here’s an excerpt from the episode: Tobias: Let’s go to Berkshire. Berkshire has this huge cash. Didn’t deploy any in the 2020 drawdown. Just now packed to the gills with cash. Jake: It might … Read More

Buffett’s Purposeful Detachment from the Stock Market

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During their recent episode, Taylor, Carlisle, and Robert G Hagstrom discussed Buffett’s Purposeful Detachment from the Stock Market, here’s an excerpt from the episode: Tobias: What is The Warren Buffett Way in the book, The Warren Buffett Way. What’s your conception about that Robert: Well, yeah, it is– Warren has … Read More

VALUE: After Hours (S06 E22): Robert G Hagstrom On The Warren Buffett Way And The Art Of Value

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In their latest episode of the VALUE: After Hours Podcast, Tobias Carlisle, Jake Taylor, and Robert G Hagstrom discuss: Buffett’s Purposeful Detachment from the Stock Market How to Apply Buffett’s Snickers Bar Analogy to Investing How Isaac Asimov’s Theories on Creativity Can Inspire Modern Innovation Navigating Public Markets with a … Read More