Howard Marks: Investors Should ‘Calibrate’ Their Portfolios To Include The Current Market Cycle

Johnny HopkinsHoward Marks, Portfolio ManagementLeave a Comment

We’ve just been listening to a great podcast with Meb Faber interviewing Howard Marks. Marks is discussing his new book – Mastering The Market Cycle, and he provides a great illustration of how investors can practically ‘calibrate’ their portfolios to include the current market cycle. Howard: You mentioned a memo … Read More

Howard Marks: 6 Classic Investment Mistakes That Every Investor Should Avoid

Johnny HopkinsHoward Marks, Investing StrategyLeave a Comment

In his 2006 memo titled ‘Pigweed’ Howard Marks provided investors with six classic investment mistakes that every investor should avoid using the real-life case study of hedge fund – Amaranth Advisors. Amaranth Advisors was an American multi-strategy hedge fund founded by Nicholas Maounis and headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut. During its peak, the firm had up to … Read More

Howard Marks: The Refusal To Catch A Falling Knife Is A Rationalization For Inaction. It’s Our Job To Catch Falling Knives. That’s How You Get Bargains!

Johnny HopkinsHoward Marks, Investing StrategyLeave a Comment

Here’s a great interview (below) with Howard Marks at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (2018). Marks was asked his thoughts on distressed debt investing, margin of safety, and catching falling knives when evaluating prospective investments. Here’s his response: Marks: You know there’s only one intelligent form of … Read More

Howard Marks – Regardless Of The Current Market Conditions, Invest On The Basis Of Value And Its Relationship To Price

Johnny HopkinsHoward MarksLeave a Comment

We’ve just been reading through Howard Marks’ latest memo – Latest Thinking. He makes a number of great points on current market conditions, possible future catalysts, and defensive versus aggressive investing. But the one take-away that stuck out for us is that regardless of current market conditions one should always … Read More

Howard Marks – Investors Are Like Those Drivers Changing Lanes Every Minute, Cutting Off Half The Cars On The Road

Johnny HopkinsHoward MarksLeave a Comment

One of the best free resources for all investors are Howard Marks’ memos. Marks is the Co-Chairman of Oaktree Capital, which currently manages a portfolio valued at approximately $6.7 Billion. Since 1990 Marks has written 100+ memos which are full of valuable investing insights. One of our personal favorites here … Read More

Howard Marks – “A Hugely Profitable Investment That Doesn’t Begin With Discomfort Is Usually An Oxymoron..”

Johnny HopkinsHoward MarksLeave a Comment

One of our favorite investing books here at The Acquirer’s Multiple is – The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor, by Howard Marks. It’s a must read for all investors. One of our favorite pieces in the book discusses the importance of being contrarian in your investing approach … Read More

Howard Marks Latest Memo: Yet Again?

Johnny HopkinsHoward MarksLeave a Comment

Howard Marks has recently released his latest memo titled – Yet Again? In this memo Marks reflects on the response he received to his previous memo titled – There They Go Again…Again. Marks wrote the following about the response he received to his last memo: “There They Go Again . … Read More