Audible and iTunes version out now! The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market

Tobias CarlisleStock Screener2 Comments

My new book The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market is now available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. The book is also available on Amazon on Kindle and paperback. From Amazon The Acquirer’s Multiple is an easy-to-understand account of deep value investing. The book shows how investors … Read More

Undervalued Warrior Met Coal FCF/EV Yield 28%, ROE 45%

Johnny HopkinsStocks3 Comments

One of the cheapest stocks in our All Investable Stock Screener is Warrior Met Coal Inc (NYSE: HCC). Warrior Met Coal Inc (Warrior) formerly called Warrior Met Coal LLC, is a producer and exporter of metallurgical coal for the steel industry from underground mines located in Brookwood, Alabama, southwest of Birmingham and near … Read More

Cliff Asness (AQR) – New Paper Indicates Deep Value Trading Strategies Generate Excess Returns Not Explained By Traditional Risk Factors

Johnny HopkinsCliff AsnessLeave a Comment

Late last month Cliff Asness and his team at AQR released a paper titled – Deep Value. In summary, the research indicates that deep value trading strategies generate excess returns not explained by traditional risk factors. Here’s a summary from the paper: We define “deep value” as episodes where the … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here is a list of this week’s best investing reads: Prosperity is a State of Mind (A Wealth of Common Sense) Countering The Narrative About Value (Fortune Financial) Two Sides of the Same Coin (The Irrelevant Investor) The Case of the Bankerless Bubble (The Reformed Broker) It’s Time To Get Real With Your Investment Portfolio (The Felder Report) … Read More

Stanley Druckenmiller – If You Invest In Conventional Wisdom You’re Going To Lose Your Butt

Johnny HopkinsStanley DruckenmillerLeave a Comment

Here’s a great interview with Stanley Druckenmiller at the USC Marshall School of Business where he speaks about the importance of unconventional investing. During the interview he makes two great points. First, he’s not a fan of diversification, and secondly investors need to focus on the longer term saying, “The present is … Read More

This Week’s Best Investing Reads

Johnny HopkinsValue Investing NewsLeave a Comment

Here is a list of this week’s best investing reads: Expert Judgment Or Lack Thereof (A Wealth of Common Sense) This is Not Normal (The Irrelevant Investor) It just got real (The Reformed Broker) Great Products vs. Great Businesses (Collaborative Fund) Tobias Carlisle Chats About His New Book – The Acquirer’s Multiple (KYR Radio) The Code of Hammurabi: The … Read More