Ray Dalio: How To Spot Impending Market Bubbles

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

In his book – Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises, Ray Dalio discusses the recurring nature of bubbles in various markets, emphasizing their commonalities despite differing specifics. Understanding the logical cause-and-effect relationships behind bubbles allows for their identification before they manifest as significant crises. By recognizing these patterns and indicators, investors … Read More

Ray Dalio: The Top 3 Considerations When Diversifying Investments

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

During his recent presentation at The Greenwich Economic Forum, Ray Dalio discusses the importance of diversification across countries, asset classes, and currencies. He outlines three key factors for evaluating countries: financial health (whether the country earns more than it spends), an environment that promotes healthy competition and productivity, and the … Read More

Ray Dalio: Immunize Your Finances and The Complete Diversification Strategy

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

During this interview with WSJ, Ray Dalio emphasizes the importance of financial security and diversification. He advises first establishing financial immunity to unexpected job loss by securing essential funds. Next, focus on achieving real returns and diversifying investments. Dalio highlights the significance of finding 15 good, uncorrelated return streams to … Read More

Ray Dalio – Top 10 Holdings – Latest 13F

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Ray Dalio: The Best Investment Hedge Right Now Is…

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

During his recent interview with WSJ, Ray Dalio explains why he sees gold as a great hedge right now. Gold is a reliable store of wealth when inflation erodes the purchasing power of fiat currencies. When central banks and governments monetize debt, leading to increased money supply and potential devaluation, … Read More

Ray Dalio: Mastering Decision-Making: Systematize and Back-Test for Better Outcomes

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

In this interview with Columbia University, Ray Dalio recommends taking a thoughtful and systematic approach to decision-making. He emphasizes the importance of identifying and writing down the criteria used to make decisions, suggesting that this allows for a methodical evaluation and improvement of decision-making processes. He explains that by systematizing … Read More

Ray Dalio – Top 10 Holdings – Latest 13F

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Ray Dalio: Contrarian Strategies Win: Why Underdogs Outperform Market Favourites

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

During his recent interview with Finimize, Ray Dalio explained why stock returns appear low compared to interest rates, so careful diversification is important. He also discussed why the “best” companies aren’t necessarily the best investments; undervalued “worst” companies can offer better returns. Price matters heavily – like in a horse … Read More

Ray Dalio: Learning From Financial Loss, Humility, And The Jungle

Johnny HopkinsRay Dalio

In this interview with Money Maze, Ray Dalio discusses the painful mistake that taught him the importance of not always assuming one is right and highlighted the greatest tragedy of individuals and humanity as a whole—confidently thinking they are right without stress-testing their ideas with the input of intelligent, dissenting … Read More

Ray Dalio: Why Cash Is No Longer Trash

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

In this interview with Bloomberg, Ray Dalio explains why cash is now a relatively attractive asset class. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Dalio: So number one is respect what you don’t know and know how to diversify well. Because diversifying allows you to reduce your risk by up to … Read More

Ray Dalio – Top 10 Holdings – Latest 13F

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More

Ray Dalio – Top 10 Holdings – Latest 13F

Johnny HopkinsRay DalioLeave a Comment

One of the best resources for investors are the publicly available 13F-HR documents that each fund is required to submit to the SEC. These documents allow investors to track their favorite superinvestors, their fund’s current holdings, plus their new buys and sold out positions. We spend a lot of time … Read More