Francois Rochon: A Proven Strategy for Succeeding During Market Downturns

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In this interview with The Investor’s Podcast, Francois Rochon discusses the inevitability of significant stock market drops, noting that most stocks, including Berkshire Hathaway, have experienced 50% declines. He highlights two major market downturns since he began investing 30 years ago: in 2001-2002 and 2008-2009. During the 2008-2009 crisis, despite … Read More

Francois Rochon: The “Missing Gene” That Sets 5% Of Investors Apart From The Rest

Johnny HopkinsFrancois RochonLeave a Comment

In this interview with The Investor’s Podcast, Francois Rochon discusses his theory about a “missing gene,” suggesting that most people possess a “tribal gene” hardwired from prehistoric times, when immediate conformity—like fleeing from a predator—was vital for survival. This gene prompts most individuals to follow group behaviors instinctively, particularly under stress … Read More

François Rochon: Balancing Self-Confidence and Humility in Portfolio Management

Johnny HopkinsFrancois RochonLeave a Comment

In his 2021 Annual Shareholder Letter, François Rochon compares successful portfolio management to art, suggesting both require individual vision and creativity. He criticizes group decision-making, citing Buffett’s opinion that it’s like “looking in a mirror.” Like artists who avoid complacency after success, good investors need to balance two seemingly opposing … Read More

François Rochon: 4,000% Returns: How Holding Winners Make You Rich (and One Big Regret)

Johnny HopkinsFrancois RochonLeave a Comment

During his recent interview with Compounding Quality, François Rochon explained why taking profits isn’t bad, but it won’t lead to immense wealth. He emphasizes the importance of holding onto winning investments for significant returns. A few big winners can transform your investment journey. Here’s an excerpt from the interview: Q: … Read More