The Acquirer’s Multiple Gazette – (Investing Reads, Podcasts, Tweets, Superinvestor News)

Johnny HopkinsStock Screener, Value Investing NewsLeave a Comment

The Acquirer’s Multiple Gazette is a roundup of this week’s best investing reads, podcasts, tweets and superinvestor news: Investing Reads Complexity Bias: Why We Prefer Complicated to Simple (Farnam Street) Will Big Tech Do The Right Thing? (The Felder Report) The Fatal Mistake Crypto Investors are Making Now (The Reformed Broker) 10 Things Investors Can Expect in … Read More

Audible and iTunes version out now! The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market

Tobias CarlisleStock Screener2 Comments

My new book The Acquirer’s Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market is now available on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. The book is also available on Amazon on Kindle and paperback. From Amazon The Acquirer’s Multiple is an easy-to-understand account of deep value investing. The book shows how investors … Read More

Maurece Schiller’s Fortunes in Special Situations in the Stock Market: The Authorized Edition

Tobias CarlisleStock Screener, StocksLeave a Comment

Tom Jacobs recently published Maurece Schiller’s Fortunes in Special Situations in the Stock Market: The Authorized Edition. We provided an endorsement and the following foreword: Beginning with Maurece Schiller’s series is the original and definitive guide to special situation investing. It is not an embellishment to say it stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the three … Read More